Growing Up Inclusive

Saturday, January 25, 2020, 10 am -2 pm
Steinbach Curling Club357 Elmdale Street 2nd Floor (Accessible)

We are excited to invite you to:
Connecting Neighbours: GROWING UP INCLUSIVE

How do we help our children develop inclusive attitudes so they can play a vital role in the creation of caring communities where everyone feels welcome?

An examination of Erikson’s classic psycho-social theory of child development applied to our everyday lives as parents, communities, and our own childhood histories.

• Free Admission
• Lunch is included
• Conversation circles

For further information contact Val Hiebert at: or 433-7488 (ext. 204) or 379-9652.

Connecting Neighbours: Journey to Authentic Self

You are invited to join SNFC and friends for conversation and information-sharing in an event that includes a panel discussion with people who have been on a personal journey to authentic self. We welcome Katelyn Dykstra as guest speaker. Dr. Dykstra teaches in the Women’s and Gender Studies Department at the University of Manitoba, and is the project manager for genderplay workshops in Winnipeg, Brandon, and Thompson. She lives in Steinbach with her partner and two children, where she also facilitates a book club.
Please note the details on the poster, share, and mark your calendar for
Saturday, February 23, 10 am – 2:30 pm
Pat Porter Centre
10 Chrysler Drive, Steinbach

Circle of Trust for Parents

The Parent Circle meets every second Wednesday of the month at Steinbach United Church, 541 Main St. from 7-9 p.m.
Steinbach Neighbours for Community invites parents of LGBTTQI* children and youth to a space of discovery, parent to parent, about our journey in our community. We look forward to our conversations, guided by Bonnie Loewen.

Connecting Neighbours

Saturday February 24, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Pat Porter Centre, 10 Chrysler Gate, Steinbach

Five presenters have been invited to share their knowledge and experience, as we explore a variety of topics relevant to our community. Full descriptions of each session can be found on our home page.  There will be all-day refreshments and lunch at noon. Admission is free, and donations to cover costs are welcome. We hope to see you there!


Movie Night: Prayers for Bobby

Friday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m.
Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre, 304-2nd St.
Free Admission

Steinbach Neighbours for Community invites you to a movie night. Prayers for Bobby is a true story. Mary Griffith fights to “cure” her gay son. Although he tries to please his mother, Bobby cannot change, and his depression leads to suicide. Mary questions her faith and searches for comfort, ultimately changing her views in ways that she never could have imagined. A touching and ultimately healing story.

Join us for an opportunity to reflect and engage in conversation as this movie invites us to take a deeper look at a family divided and how they find strength and truth. For more information, contact

Laughter is Sacred Space, May 12, 2017, SRSS Theatre

Steinbach Neighbours for Community, in partnership with Eden Health Care Services, welcomes the return of Ted Swartz, who brought us Listening for Grace two years ago. Laughter is Sacred Space is part of Ted’s Human Faces Tour in recognition of Mental Health Awareness month.

In this gritty and dramatic show, Ted walks us through his relationship with friend and business partner, Lee Eshleman, whose death by suicide stunned his community. Ted explores the paradox of working with a comedic partner struggling with bipolar disorder, as well as the challenge of writing and performing stories about God while experiencing the absence of God after Lee’s death. Using multi-media and his twenty years of storytelling experience, Laughter is Sacred Space is honest, funny and vulnerable, and reveals the unique journey of working as a comedic actor under the shadow of a mental illness, offering hope and humour in a way that only Ted could deliver.
You can learn more about Ted Swartz and find a preview of the play at:
Tickets are $12, available now at the Steinbach Arts Centre.

Still Listening…Let’s Talk!

Steinbach Neighbours for Community invites you to an informal evening of conversation on February 9, 2017,   7 p.m. at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre, 302 Second St.

We continue to follow up on the interest generated by Still Listening…Voices Among Us, aware that safe and meaningful conversation is a goal highly appreciated in our community. We hope that the relaxed atmosphere and the promise of wholesome dialogue will encourage you to join us. There will be snacks:)

Still Listening: Voices Among Us


October 28 and 29, 2016

Steinbach Neighbours for Community presented Still Listening:Voices Among Us to full houses on October 28 and 29, 2016 at the SRSS Theatre in Steinbach.

Voices Among Us is a collection of stories as told by people living in our community. These stories, delivered through theatre, poetry and music, represent a wide range of people, some who identify as LGBTTQI*; other accounts come from family, friends and allies. Each story is being lived by the person who was willing to share their narrative with us and with you, our audience.

The play was well received, and comments included large measures of gratitude for the strides being made in making room for conversation in our community.


Vigil for Orlando

June 14, 2016, Tuesday, 8 p.m.  

K.R. Barkman Park, Steinbach

Steinbach Neighbours For Community, along with Steinbach Pride, invited the public to attend a vigil in response to the June 12th massacre in Orlando, Florida, in which forty-nine people were killed and more than fifty wounded while attending a gay nightclub.  The event, which drew 200 people, included speeches from several local and provincial spokespeople, as well as the reading of the names of the victims.

Media Links:

Listening for Grace

October 17, 2015

SRSS Theatre, Steinbach

Steinbach Neighbours for Community brought “Listening for Grace” to the city in an endeavour to open up a grace-filled dialogue about the LGBTTQ* presence in our community. Produced by Ted Swartz, Listening for Grace is a compelling and enlightening play that follows the story of a widowed father whose son has just come out as gay. Through his relationships with his son, an estranged cousin, people in his church and a pastor who deals with issues of sexuality in the Bible, the main character is challenged by many different viewpoints and experiences.

LFG Poster

The advance billing was so well received that SNFC had to add a second show. About 375 people attended.

Link to Carillon article

More information about Ted Swartz